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Witnesses speak out against Craig Wright in COPA vs Craig Wright trial; testimony includes never-before-published correspondence with Satoshi Nakamoto

  • Dr Adam Back, inventor of proof-of-work system cited in the bitcoin White Paper, testifies against Dr Wright’s claims about who influenced Satoshi;
  • Martti Malmi, a Finnish computer scientist who corresponded with Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 and 2011, testifies that he “communicated with Satoshi, who I believe to be a... [Read More]

Welcome Meta to COPA's Board

In what is the biggest cryptocurrency patent commitment to date, Meta has become a member of the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), which encourages innovation by lowering the chance of patent litigation. Meta will also join COPA’s board, alongside Coinbase and Block. Representing Meta will be Shayne O’Reilly, who manages... [Read More]

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